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このような場合,非生体補填材料として,現在Tantalurn, Stainless steel,Titan,Acryl plate, Resin plate等が,一方,生体材料としては,肋骨や腸骨よりの新鮮自家骨,更に同種骨,等も用いられるが10),所謂Kielbone graftのように,脱灰,脱蛋白した材料では骨新生誘導力も弱く2),形態上も,満足出来る外見を形成することに困難を覚える.これらの条件を満足するには,一度除去した自家骨弁を再移植することが最も望ましいことには,説明の余地は無いであろう.
The best material for cranioplasty of large skull bone defect as a result of decompressive surgery is a patient's own bone flap, since it fits exactly where it was and no recipient's reactions are elicited. Ideally the bone flap should be alive. However, there have been ho effective ways to keep a bone flap alive. We have attempted to preserve a free bone flap in a sterile and living state by keeping it subcutaneously in the thigh. The reasons we choose this site for temporary implantation are as follows: 1) Sufficient space can be easily made to accommodate a bone flap.

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