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即ちBrawley2)は犬を用い前大脳動脈破裂後の内径動脈径の変動をstrain gaugeにより追究し,脳動脈攣縮を血管破裂後数分で出現し60分間続く急性期と3-4時間後に始まり数日間続く慢性期に分類した.
Adult mongrel dogs were used. The posterior communicating artery was punctured with a fine needle and subarachnoid hemorrhage was produced, which simulated aneurysmal rupture in human. The cerebral basal arteries were constricted remarkably after the puncture. However this vasospasm disappeared in about 60-120 minutes. After this restoration, the vessels began to be constricted again and reduced their diameter in greater degree with lapse of time.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.