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後頭蓋窩硬膜外血腫は,1901年Wharton42)が初めて記載した.1938年Mckenzie25)は3臨床報告をなし,この種の硬膜外血腫が存在し,且つ独立疾患となりうることを示唆した.これを独立疾患として記載し,手術的に救命したのは,1941年Coleman & Thompson6)であり,この1救命例の臨床像を次のごとく記録した.すなわち「後頭部の打撲と骨折,進行性の意識障害,漸次増強する頭痛,患側を下に向けるforced Position,項部強直,眼振,筋緊張低下,小脳症状」を呈したと述べている.
We have successfully treated 3 cases of posterior fossa epidural hematoma since 1967.
Case 1: A 21 y. male patient, suffered from head injury without initial loss of consciousness on September 17, 1967, and was transferred to our department late on the same day because of his progressive mental deterioration and generalized convulsive seizure. He revealed a left occipital linear fracture extending to the suboccipital region. No space-occupying leision was found on the left carotid angiogram.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.