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近年,椎弓切除の変法として,構造を極力温存したまま減圧を図るいわゆるless invasive surgeryが導入され,良好な成績が報告されるようになってきた1,2,4,27,29).このような低侵襲の減圧術を行えば固定術を併用せずともすべり症の悪化が減少し,良好な手術成績が得られる可能性が想定される.そこで今回変性すべり症を合併する腰部脊柱管狭窄症に対し,固定術を併用しない従来行ってきた椎弓切除術単独で手術した例と,less invasive surgeryを行った例の2群で,術後のすべり症と臨床症状の継時的変化をretrospectiveに比較検討した.
Purpose:The long-term results of decompressive surgery for degenerative spondylolisthesis with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis were evaluated retrospectively with regard to the postoperative progression of slippage and clinical symptoms.
Materials and Methods:The study included 53 patients who underwent surgery, and for whom follow-up of at least 5 years was conducted. Spondylolisthesis was diagnosed based on the presence of sagittal vertebral translation greater than 3mm on lateral radiographs. The patients were divided into two groups:Group Ⅰ:37 patients undergoing bilateral laminotomy, and Group Ⅱ:16 patients undergoing laminectomy. The clinical results were evaluated according to McCulloch's classification and the Japanese Orthopaedic Association(JOA)score.
Results:The mean pre-and postoperative JOA scores were 14.6 and 22.9 in Group Ⅰ and 14.7 and 21.0 in Group Ⅱ, respectively. The JOA scores improved soon after surgery, after which the scores declined gradually in both groups. The recovery rate was 63.0% in Group Ⅰ and 43.7% in Group Ⅱ. The average amount of pre- and postoperative slippage was 7.3mm and 6.9mm in Group Ⅰ and 6.2mm and 6.9mm in Group Ⅱ, respectively. In Group Ⅰ, the slippage progressed within the first year, after which the degree of slippage slowly decreased to lower values than those observed preoperatively, whereas slippage progressed for 5 years before declining in Group Ⅱ. No correlations were observed between progression of slippage and clinical outcomes in either group.
Conclusions:Laminotomy produces satisfactory long-term results both clinically and radiographically in patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis.

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