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神経障害性疼痛(neuropathic pain)は,2008年に「体性感覚伝導路の損傷や病変によって直接引き起こされる痛み」と再定義された12).近年,海外で神経障害性疼痛治療に関する治療指針が提案され,第一選択薬はプレガバリンであることは共通しているが,オピオイドを第二もしくは第三選択薬として早期に使用することを推奨している点が特徴である3,9,13).わが国においても2011年に『神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン』が提示された14).しかしながら,中枢性神経障害性疼痛に対しては推奨される薬物は極めて少なく11,17,18),個々の経験に基づいた薬物投与が行われているのが現状である.
今回,上記アルゴリズム運用のなかから脳卒中後疼痛(central post-stroke pain:CPSP)に対して,オピオイド鎮痛薬である経口トラマドール塩酸塩/アセトアミノフェン配合錠(トラムセット®)の有効性,副作用について後方視的に検討し新しい知見が得られたので報告する.
Objective:Central post-stroke pain(CPSP)is the most difficult type of central neuropathic pain to control with medical treatment. Opioids are commonly used for chronic neuropathic pain, but their efficacy in treating central neuropathic pain, particularly CPSP, is not clear. Tramadol is an opioid analgesic that, in combination with acetaminophen, has been approved since 2011 for the treatment of non-cancer pain in Japan. In this study we evaluated the efficacy of tramadol/acetaminophen medication for CPSP.
Methods:We retrospectively reviewed nine cases of CPSP that received oral tramadol/acetaminophen medication. All cases received tramadol/acetaminophen medication after first taking pregabalin then antidepressant medication. Pain levels were assessed before tramadol/acetaminophen medication began and one month after a maintenance dose was reached, using a visual analogue scale(VAS)and the McGill pain questionnaire(MPQ).
Results:The mean dose of tramadol was 121±61.6 mg/day. Tramadol/acetaminophen medication was effective in reducing pain in seven of nine cases(77.8%). The VAS improved 32.9±13.8% from pre-to post-medication, and the MPQ improved from 15.4±9.1 pre-medication to 8.1±4.7 post-medication(p<0.05). These effects continued 9.3±4.5 months during follow up periods. Side effects were observed in six cases(one severe, one moderate, two mild, two transient), but medication was continued in eight cases.
Conclusion:Oral tramadol/acetaminophen medication was effective at reducing pain levels in patients with CPSP, and is a medication option for the treatment of CPSP.

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