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水頭症の治療法として脳室腹腔短絡術(ventricular-peritoneal shunt:VPシャント術)は,十分に確立された,そして最も一般的に行われている治療法であるが,ときに感染やシャントシステムの不具合,閉塞などによるシャント機能不全が問題となっている.
今回われわれはくも膜下出血(subarachnoid hemorrhage:SAH)後の続発性正常圧水頭症(normal pressure hydrocephalus:NPH)に対するVPシャント術後に,シャントチューブの主成分であるシリコンに対するアレルギー反応が原因と思われる好酸球性髄膜炎によるシャント機能不全を繰り返し,診断と治療に苦慮した症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
The ventricular-peritoneal shunt for hydrocephalus is a well-known and established method but is sometimes complicated by shunt malfunction due to several causes. Eosinophilic meningitis is a rare disease, but has occasionally been reported as a cause of shunt malfunction. Here, we report the case of a 74-year-old woman with repeated shunt malfunction and eosinophilic meningitis due to a silicone allergy.
Originally, the patient received a ventricular-peritoneal shunt for normal pressure hydrocephalus secondary to subarachnoid hemorrhage. However, shunt malfunction was identified 6 weeks later, and the first shunt revision was performed using a new shunt system from a different company. Further evaluation to identify the cause of the shunt malfunction revealed no abnormal findings, except for eosinophilia in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid. A second shunt malfunction was identified 16 weeks after the first shunt revision. We therefore concluded that eosinophilic meningitis caused by a silicone allergy might be the real culprit and a second shunt revision was performed using a silicone “extracted” tube. Since then, the patient’s course has been free from shunt malfunction.
In this case, the serum and cerebrospinal fluid eosinophilia were useful markers for identifying the cause of repeated shunt malfunctions. The silicone “extracted” tube may be helpful for diagnosis and therapy.

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