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われわれはテント上悪性神経膠腫の集学的治療において,その初期寛解導入療法や維持療法に際しMCNUの動注療法を併用している.今回,腫瘍摘出腔内あるいは嚢胞性病変内にOmmaya reservoirを留置した症例において,MCNUの動注後経時的に血中および腫瘍腔内濃度を測定し,MCNUの腫瘍腔への移行について薬物速度論的検討を行い,新たな知見を得たので文献的考察を加え報告する.これまでに動注によるMCNUの脳腫瘍腔内への移行に関する薬物動態を解析した臨床研究は見当たらない.
This clinical study was undertaken to examine intra-tumoral (i. t.) pharmacokinetics after intraarterial (i. a.) administration of MCNU (80 mg/m2) in 5 patients with glioblastoma (GB) and 2 with anaplastic astrocytoma (AA). After resection or stereotactic biopsy of the cys-tic lesion, an Ommaya reservoir was placed into the tumor cavity in all patients. The distribution of MCNU in blood was compatible with a two-compartment mod-el, and the half life of the α-phase and β-phase was 4.1 minutes and 160.4 minutes, respectively. MCNU was detected in the i. t. fluid in 5 cases, 4 of GB and 1 of AA. The concentration of i. t. MCNU gradually in-creased during the 5 to 30 minutes after i.a. injection to a level about 20.0% of its blood concentration. Howe-ver, no MCNU was detected in patients showing partial response (3 of GB and 1 of AA) or no change (1 of GB) after the i. a. infusion of MCNU during mainte-nance chemotherapy. These results suggests that MCNU may transfer into the tumor tissues. Further in-vestigation is warranted.

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