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During the blood perfusion of cat's brain, con-vulsion was induced by Metrazol injection, andthe brain cortex tissue was the obtain after freez-ing. The value of chemical changes of the braincortex was greater than in the case of electricstimulation.
The nucleic acid fraction was separated by frac-tion collector after its hydrolysis, and the absorp-tion spectrum by Beckman's spectrophotmeter wasexamined.
The result was different from the case of ele-ctric stimulation, and it showed the tendency ofincrease in cytidine and adenosin and decreasein uridine and guanosine.
Similar results were obtained by acetylcholine-convulsion as in the case of electric stimulation.Chemical changes in diencephalon were less thanin the brain cortex.
Chemical changes found in trepanned rabit'sbrain between spreading depression and convultionwere quite opposite, namely increase to the caseof convulsion decreased in depression.

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