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1) Brain edema could be divided into twotypes, simple edema, which showed normal proteinfractions, and complicated edema, showed abnor-mal protein fractions. The latter could also bedivided into two types due to (a) migration ofserum albumin into the brain tissue and due to(b) denaturation of the tissue proteins themselves.The localization of the edema in the brain andits relation to the clinical symptoms are discussed.
2) The brain tissue obtained by biopsy frompatients with idiopathic epilepsy showed a higheralbumin content, and a higher α-globulin contentthan normal.
3) The albumin content of the cerebral hemi-sphere of the (log was lower, and the α-globulincontent higher at the post-natal stage of develop-ment than in the mature brain.
4) The content of albumin increased throughcerebral cortex, white matter, medulla oblongataand spinal cord, while the α-globulin decreased(in adult dog).
5) The ratio of hexosamine to hexose in thewhole brain at the immature stage resembled theratio in the cerebral cortex of mature brain (indog and mice).
6) Strandin with high hydration exists in thegeneral region of the brain at the immature stage,and it goes to exist mostly in the grey matter atthe mature stage according to the accumulation ofcerebrosides and cholesterol mainly in the whitematter.
An anomaly of brain compositions that the es-sential components of the grey matter such asstrandin still stand considerably in the white matterat the mature stage, could be induced probably bysome mechanism in the process of maturation ofthe brain. This abnormal brain with high hydro-philic property seems to be liable to swell byslight causes, and seems to show lowered convulsi-on threshold.

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