特集 第15回脳のシンポジウム
Neuropathology in Neuroscience
Franz Seitelberger
1Neurologisches Institut, Der Universität Wien(Obersteiner-Institut)
発行日 1980年12月10日
Published Date 1980/12/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431905238
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- 1ページ目
From the title of my lecture it can be learned that I look at neuropathology not only as at a medical discipline but before all as an essential area of neurosciences. The nature of pathological changes of the living substance and of its functions resp. of the phenomena understood as pathological, appears as a fundamental part of biology not only because of indicating some qualities and directing to the knowledge of biological laws, but much more because appearing as an unrenounceable and constitutive field of life itself. This is especially true for the pathology of the nervous system.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.