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Electroencephalographic Study of Sequelae of Head Injury Treated with Stellate Ganglion Block and Great Occipital Nerve Block D. Hirooka 1 1Dept. of 2nd Surgery, Iwate Medical Univ. pp.1001-1016
Published Date 1968/12/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431904568
  • Abstract
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Complaints of the patient with sequelae of head injury have often soothed by the treatment of stellate ganglion block (S.B.) or great occipital nerve block (O.B.). To know the mechanism of these treatments, we took a clinical approachwith the E.E.G. of the patient thus treated, as well as an experimental one.

S.B. was performed on the fifty patients having stubborn complaint from sequelae of head injury and their E.E.G. was taken immediately after the Homer sign appeared. Also, on the fifty patients complaining particularly cervical and occipital pain, the E.E.G. was taken 5 minutes after O.B has been performed.

1. In both E.E.G.s, the favorable cases had the decrease of the fast wave, the increase of the slow a-wave, the normalized potential of the amplitude and a regular rhythm.

2. The outstanding findings were most in 8 mi-nutes in the S.B. treated E.E.G., recorded after the Homer sign appeared, while in 13 minutes after O.B. has been performed.

3. S.B. was efficacious in 37 of the 50 cases (74%), and O.B. in 40 of the 50 cases (80%).

4. Judging from the E.E.G., both blocks were determined efficacious when the fast wave and the fast α-wave with irregular rhythm in low potain-tial or normal potential were present.

5. The appearance of slow a-waves and occa-sional α-waves in high potential with irregular rhythm was an infavorable sign in both E.E.G.s.

6. As the possible factors influencing on the wave pattern, the cerebral circulatory factor, the neurogenic factor and the associated factor of them were considered. Among these, the cerebral circu-latory one can be one of the closest causes of the sequelae, which has been confirmed by investiga-ting wave forms of the E.E.G. and the experimen-tal intracerebral circularoy changes in the oxygen tension by polarography.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


