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Although a discrimination of apoplexy was, in the past, based on a clinical progress and fre-quency of symptoms, I developed a method of ultrasonic diagnosis in order to make it easier and surer and got the following restlts.
1) 1-lematoma-echoes were easy to be detected in the band of 2.25 MC, and multiple spike echoes were found from experimental intracere-bral hematoma, without any abnormal echo from brain softening.
2) Multiple spike hematoma-echoes were obse-rved through the operation of clinical cases and the examination from just outside of dura at autopsy. It was considered from experiment and operation that multiple spikes were grounded upon such factors as clotted blood mixed in fluid blood, destroyed fragments of brain and the rough surface between hematoma and brain.
3) Intracranial echoes were found in 100% from within a half of oval with the length of 7cm by 4cm right above the entrance of external auditory meatus, but I observed no echo from sinciput, vertex and occiput chiefly because of the thickness of skull.
4) Midline-echo deviated within 1mm from the center scale of echogram in 100 cases of normal adults, with the mean value of 0. 3±0.24 mm. A displacement exceeding 1mm was regarded as abnormal.
5) Of the 52 cases of supratentorial hemorrha-ge, hematoma-echoes were from the skin of head in 49 cases (94%) and the displacement of mi-dline-echo was in 43 (83 %). I could get the results of high rate in both.
6) As multiple spike echoes like hematoma-echoes were observed in no case and the displa-cement of midiline-echo was found in low rate in brain softening, the differentiation between the brain softening and intracerebral hemorrhage was possible in high rate. However, I could not differentiate brain softening from subarachnoideal hemorrhage.
Hematoma-echoes were observed in all of the 28 cases of supratentorial hemorrhage from just outside of dura during operation, which made a search for hematoma and operative technique easier.
From above mentioned studies, it was concl-tided that through the development of ultrasonic diagnosis in apoplexy it has become possible to differentiate intracerebral hemorrhage from brain softening with ease and in higher rate by means of quantitative judgment. It could also be said that owing to the easiness and quickness of the discrimination and the harmlessness to patients, this method was suitable for apoplexy in which many patients were in a serious condition, and should be put to practical use to a great extent in the future.

Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.