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Histochemical localization in normal and degen-erating sciatic and optic nerves of rat was studied.
Enzyme activities for DPN-diaphorase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, succinic dehydrogenaseand esteaase in Schwann cell of the sciatic nervewas demonstrated. Alteration of enzyme activityin Schwann cell at proximal and distal stump inthe sciatic nerve following sciatic neurotomy showedan increased enzyme activity accompanied withhypertrophy.
One intersting finding in axonal enzyme activitiesfor DPN-diaphorase and succinic dehydrogenasewas a damming, amorphous in type, found afterinjury at both proximal and distal protions ofsciatic nerve.
Moreover, enzyme activities for glucose-6-phos-phate dehydrogenase, DPN-diaphorase, succinicdehydrogenase and esterase was demonstrated inthe neuroglia of optic nerve. Especially, neurogliacell gave and intensely strong positive reaction forglucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
During degeneration of optic nerve followingenucleation of eye ball and destruction followingtreatment with silver nitrate (1%) or phenol (0.5%) into eye ball, after 3 days to 2 weeks appearedthe greatest increase in glucose-6-phosphate dehy-drogenase.
These findings on glucose-6-phosphate dehydro-genase in the Schwann cell and the neuroglia cellsuggest the possibility that direct oxidation ofglucose to phosphogluconate, then to a pentose, isrelated to synthesis in cytoplasmic nucleoprotein.

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