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Examination was made of the rat optic nerve 7to 10 millimeter distant from the crush injury point.Generally the axons were first involved, but someof them were spared even 7 days after the injury.The earliest change in axon was evident already24 hours after the injury, and consisted of a localand transient accumulation of mitochondria, vesicles, dense particles, dense bodies, and membranous axoplasmic bodies, with individual neurofilamentsmaintaining normal structure with a cylindricaldensity. Potential genesis and significance werediscussed on the accomulation of these axoplasmicorganelles.
The early alternation of myelin sheath, whichappeared 5 days after the crush, was shown in asplitting of myelin lamellae. The myelin lamellaewere split at the intraperiod dense line, showingtwo morphological features. One was a simplesplitting of myelin lamellae, which was usuallyoccurred after the complete disintegration of axon. Another was possibly instructive of the demyelinationprocess from the biological standpoint; a closestructural association with ectopically appearingmyelin-forming glial cell. In other words the splitmajor dense line bordered the cytoplasmic surfaceof the myelin-forming glial cell. The myelinlamellae maintained the normal structure withregular layering except for the splitting untilengulfed by phagocytes. One or two layers ofelongated myelin lamellae were occasionally presentin a close contiguity to round-shaped glial cell,even in gliosis. In the phagocytes, on the contrary,the periodicity and thickness of the constituentmembranous layers of myelin lamellae were changedin an apparently complicated manner. However,there were certain regularities in the changes ofperiodicity and thickness from normal to alteredmyelin lamellae, and reasonable discussion wasmade in details on the morphological transition oftheir ultrastructures.
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