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中枢神経系であっても脊髄は脳と異なる特殊な位置と構造とを持っており,このため脳にはみられない特異な形態を示す病変が生ずる。鉛筆状軟化というのは脊髄においてのみ認められる軟化であり,脊髄の主として中央部に形成され,しかもこれが縦に長くいくつもの髄節にわたり細長く空洞状に生ずるものである。脊髄を鉛筆にたとえればあたかもその芯が抜け穴のあいた鉛筆のような形態を示すもので,stiftformige Erweichung(Zulch,1954)とか,ramollissement centromedullaire en《crayon》(Gruner et Lapresle,1962)とかcylindrical cores of softened tissue(Greenfield,1963)などと呼ばれている。
Pencil-shaped softening is a peculiar lesionobserved only in the spinal cord, mainly in the central area, extending longitudinally over several segments of the cord. Eight cases of such softening were examined anatomopathologically from 1153 cases of consecutive autopsies in the Department of Pathology, University of Tokyo (1969-1972). One was observed in the man who died 3 weeks after a cardiac operation for mitral stenosis (Case 1) and another one was found in a patient with a brain tumor (Case 8) involving diffusely the subarachnoid space of the cord.

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