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5)視床のCentre médianに神経細胞の染色性の低下,空胞形成,原形質の融解等を認めた。
A male patient, 49-year-old, was admitted toour clinic on account of progressive mental deterioration combined with choreiform movementsin the muscles of the face, extremities, and body, which had started at the age of 44.
He had 4 siblings, 2 of which had been suffering from the same disease. He was supposedto have inherited the disposition from his mother who had died early. When hospitalized, herevealed some changes of character such as irritability, unstableness etc.
His choreiform movements ceased during thefirst reserpine cure, but unfortunately he diedsuddenly from collapse during the second reserpine cure. (at the age of 50)
Autopsy findings. The right ventricle is dilatedand the left ventricle hypertrophied. There areeffusions in the intrathoracic and intraabdominalcavities. The lungs, liver, spleen and kidneysare congested. When the skull is opened, plentyof cerebrospinal fluid runs off. Brain Weight is1260 gr. The lateral ventricles are dilated. Macroscopically atrophy of the cerebral cortex andthe corpus striatum is very slight.
Histological findings. In the corpus striatumsmall ganglion cells are slightly reduced in number, but most of them exhibit remarkable degenerative changes : reduced stainability, swelling of nuclei and protoplasm, liquefaction, vacuole formation, and even pycnotic naked nucleiin the most damaged parts. The large ganglioncells are less affected. The glia manifests reactive phenomena: proliferation and hypertrophy of macro and oligodendroglia, appearance of green-blue granules by Nissl stain in the protoplasmof macroglias, showing positive iron reaction. Similar degenerations of ganglion cells are present in cortex. But glia reactions are slight. The degenerations of ganglion cells are also found in the nucleus dentatus, the corpus Luysi, the thalamus, the hypothalamic nuclei and thenycleus olivae. From the histopathological pointof view, the above mentioned changes supportthe clinical diagnosis of this case, though theatrophy and diminution of the number of ganglion cells are not apparent. The latter fact maybe due to the early histological changes of thisdisease.
Other than typical histological changes of Huntington's chorea we find some interesting changes. Namely, many polynuclear nerve cells arefound in the cortex and the corpus striatum. Most of them are double nucleated and selpomtriple nucleated. They are scattered in the regions where the degenerative changegs are remarkable.
In the centre median of thalamus, we find theganglion cell degenerations without gliareactions,that is, reduced stainability, swelling and liquefaction, vacuole formation and naked nuclei.

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