

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Pancreatic Carcinoma After Resection of Rectal Carcinoma pp.417-420
Published Date 2005/5/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1427100110
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 A 56―year-old woman underwent Miles’ operation for rectal carcinoma five years ago. She noticed swelling of right lower extremity and serum CEA level was elevated. Ultrasonography showed a pancreatic body mass, measuring 1 cm, and she came to us for surgical resection. Serum level of CA19―9 was elevated to 15,377 IU/ml and CEA 18.5 ng/ml. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging also showed a pancreatic body mass with delayed enhancement and dilatation of the upper stream pancreatic ducts. Lymph node swelling along the external iliac artery was evident. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography showed a complete obstruction of the main pancreatic duct. Distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy was done with D2 lymph node dissection. Intraoperative radiation therapy(20 Gy)was also done. Biopsy of lymph node around the right external iliac artery showed metastasis by cytology. Histological examination showed a moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, measuring 1.5 cm. Metastasis was not evident in level 2 lymph nodes. After operation, brain metastasis from rectal cancer developed and died three months after operation.

(Shokakigazo 2005 ; 7 : 417―420)

Copyright © 2005, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1227 印刷版ISSN 1344-3399 医学書院


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