

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Functional Movement Disorders That Do Not Improve after Explaining the Diagnosis: The Role of Neurologists Masahiko Tomiyama 1 1Department of Neurology, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine Keyword: 機能性運動異常症 , 心因性運動異常症 , 陽性徴候 , ミオクローヌス , 固有感覚脊髄路性ミオクローヌス , 認知行動療法 , 理学療法 , functional movement disorder , psychogenic movement disorder , positive sign , myoclonus , propriospinal myoclonus , cognitive behavioral therapy , physiotherapy pp.559-564
Published Date 2022/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1416202080
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In recent years, the term “functional” is starting to replace “psychogenic” when referring to a specific group of movement disorders, with an increasing emphasis being placed on the role of neurologists in the management of these disorders. These conditions are common and disabling, and sometimes difficult to diagnose. History taking and physical examination may highlight positive signs suggestive of diagnosis, which should not be based on exclusion. During examination, the distraction sign may be observed. When functional myoclonus is present, the patient's movements may vary over time. The role of a neurologist is not only to diagnose functional movement disorders, but also explain to the patient that the patient has a distinct neurological disorder and provide clinical evidence that supports the diagnosis. It is useful to share the positive signs with patients when explaining the diagnosis. In this article, I describe a patient with functional abdominal jerks to demonstrate how a diagnosis is made and how one can explain the diagnosis to the patient. Once a patient accepts and understands the diagnosis, treatment can be initiated. Collaboration with psychiatrists and physiotherapists is essential. It has been shown that cognitive behavioral therapy and physiotherapy are beneficial in ameliorating functional movements.

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電子版ISSN 1344-8129 印刷版ISSN 1881-6096 医学書院


