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筆者らは地理的障害を症候と病巣の違いから街並失認(agnosia for streetsまたはlandmark agnosia)と道順障害(defective root findingまたはheading disorientation)の2つに分類した5)。一言でいえば,前者は街並(建物・風景)の同定障害に基づくものであり,視覚性失認の一型と考えられる。後者は広い地域内における自己や,離れた他の地点の空間的定位障害であり,視空間失認に含まれる。
街並失認は相貌失認と合併して生ずることが多く,その存在自体は古くから知られていた6,7)。環境失認(environmental agnosia)8),場所失認(agnosia for place)などと呼ばれたこともある。筆者は多数例の検討から,その症候や病巣を整理し,地理的障害全体の中での位置づけを示したにすぎない。この症候を街並失認と呼ぶことにしたのは,物体失認,画像失認,相貌失認などと同様,「街並(建物・風景)」という視覚対象に対する失認であることを明確にするためである。最近まで,神経心理学の中で地理的障害に関する研究が後れをとっていたとすれば,孤立性の症状を呈する症例が少ない,検査方法が確立されていない,などの点とともに用語の混乱にその一因があったのではないかと思われる。
Topographical disorientation is identified as a condition in which patients are unable to find their way in familiar surroundings, such as their home neighborhood or the admitting hospital after the onset of illness. I proposed to classify topographical disorientation into two categories: agnosia for streets (landmark agnosia) and defective root finding (heading disorientation).
Patients with agnosia for streets are unable to identify familiar buildings and landscapes. They can, however, morphologically perceive them and remember their way around familiar areas. The lesions are located in the right posterior part of the parahippocampus gyrus, anterior half of the lingual gyrus and adjacent fusiform gyrus. Clinical findings and functional imaging studies suggest that these regions play a crucial role in the interaction between the visual information of streets and memories of them, which are thought to be retained in the right anterior part of the temporal lobe. In particular, the posterior part of the parahippocampus gyrus is critical for the acquisition of novel information.
On the other hand,patients with defective root finding can identify familiar streets,but cannot remember their own location or positional relation between two points within a comparatively wide range not surveyable at one time. The lesions are located in the right retrosplenial cortex (Areas 29,30),posterior cingulate cortex (Areas 23,31) and precuneus. Clinical findings and functional imaging studies suggest that these regions are involved in the orientation function for navigating in wide spaces. In particular,the retrosplenial cortex is critical for encoding novel information.

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