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X連鎖副腎白質ジストロフィー(X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy:X-ALD)は臨床的には多様な疾患で,小児期に発症する重症大脳型(childhood cerebral form)から成人期に徐々に発症する軽症副腎脊髄神経症(adrenomyeloneuropathy:AMN)まで数種の臨床型に分類され,さらにはまったく無症状で経過することもある。重症の大脳型においては臨床症状発症後2~5年で死の転帰をとることが多く,現時点で唯一の根治的な治療法は骨髄移植をはじめとする造血幹細胞移植である。
X-linked adrenoluekodystrophy (X-ALD) is a clinically heterogenous disorder ranging from the rapidly progressive childhood cerebral form to the milder adrenomyeloneuropathy in adults, and some persons with ALD protein (ALDP) defects may remain asymptomatic for life. Hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is currently the only effective therapy for cerebral X-ALD. Stem cell sources for transplantation are bone marrow, peripheral blood and cord blood. The donor should be HLA identical with the recipient and can be found within family members or from unrelated bone marrow or cord blood donor pools. Preparative conditioning with supralethal chemoradiotherapy is needed for donor cell engraftment, and immunosuppressive agents are given for months as prophylaxis against graft-verus-host disease (GVHD). Worldwide data collection reported 56% of long term survival. Neurologic and MRI severity at the time of transplantation was the most important factor for survival and the degree of improvement after transplantation. More than 90% of early stage patients have survived with good quality of life for a long term, whereas patients with advanced disease had the higher mortality rate during transplant procedures and the neurological abnormalities progressed in most of them. Patients with a parietal-occipital lobe pattern of demyelination demonstrated a greater mean loss of performance IQ (PIQ) points than patients with a frontal lobe pattern of demyelination. Thus, boys with early-stage disease benefit from HCT, whereas boys with advanced disease may be candidates for experimental therapies.

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