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患者は73歳,男性。60年前に腹部外傷に対する手術の既往があるが,詳細は不明。腹部膨満感,便秘を主訴に受診。CT,MRIにて左腎は描出されず,後腹膜巨大嚢胞性腫瘤が認められた。超音波ガイド下試験穿刺にて穿刺液は肉眼的に血性であり,細胞診陰性,穿刺液のCA19-9が240,000U/ml,CEA 10,500ng/ml。さらに血中CA19-9 1,027U/l,CEA 4.4ng/mlと異常高値であり悪性を否定できなかった。全身麻酔下に腫瘤摘出術を施行。内容液は5,550mlであり,病理組織学的には腎盂移行上皮癌を伴う巨大水腎症であった。手術後,血中のCA19-9,CEAは正常化した。
A 73-year-old man was referred to our hospital becauseof constipation and abdominal fullness. Physical examina-tion demonstrated a large mass in the left abdomen. Ab-dominal computed tomography and magnetic resonance image identified a huge cystic mass in the left retroperitoneal region. Bloody fluid obtained from the cystic mass contained 24,000U/ml of CA19-9 and 10,500 ng/ml of CEA. Serum CA19-9 and CEA values were 1,027U/ml and 4.4ng/ml, respectively. The tumor was extirpated and it was found to contain 5,550 ml of bloody fluid.

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