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症例1は5歳,男児。夜尿症が主訴。著明な尿路拡張をきたしており,膀胱造影ではpine-tree appearanceを呈した。症例2は23歳,男性。口渇,多飲多尿が主訴。幼少時に腎性尿崩症の診断,治療を受けていたが,自己中断していた。エコーにて著明な尿路拡張をきたした。症例1は,利尿剤にて1日尿量の減少を認めたが,残尿は続いていた。一方,症例2は,利尿剤にて1日尿量の著明な減少と水腎症の改善,さらに残尿の消失を認めた。
We report two cases of diabetes insipidus with dilatation of urinary tract. The first case was a 5-year-old man, who presented to our hospital because of enuresis. A second case was a 23-year-old man, who consulted our hospital because of thirsty, polydipsia and polyuria. In both patients, abdominal echograms showed bilateral hydrour-eteronephrosis and enlarged urinary bladder. Dilatation of urinary tract was considered to be resulted from polyuria. The water deprivation test revealed low urine osmolarity. A diagnosis of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus was made.

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