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腎細胞癌の腫瘍マーカーとして免疫抑制酸性蛋白(IAP)の意義を49症例について検討した.早期癌のstage 1,2では陽性率はそれぞれ50%,58%と低かったが,stage3は100%,stage 4は86%で,再発例は100%であり,進行癌全体では91%と高い陽性率を示した.特に経過観察中に再発した8症例はすべて500μg/ml以上の値を示したことが注目された.IAPが腎細胞癌の経過観察において重要な検査項目になりうることを示した.
This report describes evaluation of immunosuppresive acidic protein (IAP) as a tumor marker in follow up study of renal cell carcinoma. Forty-nine patients with renal cell carcinoma were submitted to the study. Cut off value of IAP was set up more than 500 μg/ml. The positive ratios of stage 1 and 2 were 50 and 56%, respectively. In patients with advanced stage, including stage 3, 4 and recurrence, 91% was positive. It is remarkable that the positive ratio of patients with recurrence was 100%. We concluded that IAP was a reliable tumor marker in long term follow up of this neoplasm.

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