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13歳女子膀胱移行上皮癌の稀な1例を報告する。主訴は肉眼的血尿で,IVP,膀胱鏡,経尿道的エコーにて,stage Aの膀胱腫瘍と診断し,TURを施行した。病理所見は,移行上皮癌grade 1, pTaであつた。術後アドリアマイシン膀胱内注入を行つたが,現在のところ再発はみられていない。自験例は19歳以下としては本邦22例目と思われた。文献的考察を加えると共に,小児といえども,血尿のつづく場合には膀胱鏡検査が必要であることを強調した。
A rare case of transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder in 13-year-old girl is presented. The chief complaint was asymptomatic grosshematuria and bladder tumor was diagnosed by excretory urogram and cystoscopic examination. The tumor was proved to be low stage (Ti) by the transurethral ultrasonography and transurethral resection was performed radically. Microscopic findings showed grade 1 transitional cell carcinoma and pathologic staging was pTa. She was treated after the operation by bladder instillation therapy of adriamycin, and neither recurrence nor evidence of metastasis has been observed until now.

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