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1982年から1985年の間で,骨盤内リンパ郭清を含む根治的膀胱全摘除術を行つた浸潤膀胱癌(PT3およびPT4)12例に対して, doxorubicin hydrochloride とcarboquoneによる術後の補助化学療法を行つた。男性8例および女性4例で,年齢は57歳から75歳(平均66.6歳)であつた。郭清リンパ節に転移のなかつた6例は,すべて癌再発なく術後25ないし40カ月(平均33.3カ月)で生存していた。郭清リンパ節に転移のあつた6例では,5例に癌再発がみられ,このうち4例は術後11ないし26カ月で癌死した。リンパ節転移例の転帰は極めて悪く,より有効な補助療法が必要とされるものであつた。
From 1982 to 1985, twelve patients undergoing radical cystectomy with pelvic lymph node dissec-tion in pathologic stage PT 3 and PT 4, received adjuvant chemotherapy consisted of doxorubicin hydrochloride and carboquone. There were 8 men and 4 women between 57 and 75 years old (median age 66.6 years). Six patients without nodal metastasis were all alive with no evidence of disease for an average 33. 3 months, with a range of 25 to 40 months. Among six patients with nodal metastasis, 4 patients died of cancer progression between 11 and 26 months postoperatively, and one patient was alive with cancer recurrence 10 months after surgery.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.