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症例は55歳女性で,下腹部痛を主訴に受診。4〜5年前より軽い右下腹部痛があつたが放置していた。IVP上右下部尿管が嚢状に拡張し,blind-ending bifid ureterが疑われ,逆行性造影にて尿管尿管逆流現象により長さ約6cmの盲端に終わるもう1本の尿管が造影され,同時に右下腹部痛が誘発された。手術的に右盲端尿管を摘出,病理組織学的にも正常尿管と同様の構造を有していた。術後,以前からあつた右下腹部痛は消失した。
A 55-year-old woman was admitted with complaint of lower abdominal pain. She had had slight pain of the right lower abdomen since 4-5 years ago. By IVP a blind-ending bifid ureter at the lower portion of the right ureter was suspected. The right retrograde pyelogram revealed this more clearly by uretero-uretero reflux, which was associated with right lower abdominal pain. The right blind-ending bifid ureter was removed operatively. Histological findings of this ureter showed the same structure of the original ureter. The post-operative course was uneventful, and the patient had no further pain.

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