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Fournier's gangreneは,陰茎および陰嚢に壊疽を生ずる皮下組織の感染であり,抗生物質の発達した今日,その発症は稀である。日本では電撃性陰嚢壊疽,本態性陰嚢壊疽などの名称で呼ばれ,糖尿病に併発した例が散見される。われわれは今回,Fournier's gangreneと思われる症例を経験したので,若干の考察を加えて報告する。
A 79-year-old man who had an indwelling urethral catheter was admitted to the hospital, com-plaining of pain in the scrotum, penis and suprapubic region along with uremia.
The patient had a history of chills and fever (39℃) about one month ago. By that time, he had noticed the scrotal swelling and redness. Two weeks later, his swollen and painful scrotum developed into a well demarcated and gangrenous lesion. Foul-smelling pus also had discharged from the gan-grenous patches. After the admission, the patient had a rapid down hill course and died about 2 weeks later.

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