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先に教室の佐藤等1)は極めて稀な尿管奇型であるdistal ureteral atresiaによる巨大水尿管症の本邦第1例を報告した。今回さらに新たな1例を経験したが,この例は従来の報告とことなり成人でありかつほとんど腹部全体を占めるほどの超巨大な水尿管を形成していて,長年にわたり腹水と誤診されていた点が特異であつたので,以下報告する。
A case of distal ureteral atresia in a 45 years old female who had a tap for several times under the misdiagnosis of ascites of cause unknown because of the abdominal swellng since infancy. A supergiant cyst formation of blind ureter, following the right hypoplastic kidney, was noticed which occupied the right retroperitoneal space down to the bladder dome extending over the midline to the left iliac fossa. The wound healed after primary extirpation of this super giant cyst, although complicated with hennatoma of the dead space and other unpleasant symptoms.

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