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尿瘻のなかでも女性々器瘻は,臨床的にしばしば遭遇する婦人科的泌尿器科疾患として重要な位置をしめている。特に膀胱は女性々器に隣接しており,産婦人科的処置に際し外科的侵襲をうけ易く各種の膀胱瘻が発現する。これら膀胱瘻のうち,膀胱と子宮頸管との間に生ずるいわゆる膀胱子宮頸管瘻は非常に稀な疾患で,本邦では現在まで約30症例の報告がみられるにすぎない。本症は近年,産科的処置特に帝王切開と関係して発症する傾向がみられ,臨床的にはIatrogenic diseaseであり,留意すべき疾患といえよう。
A case of vesicocervical fistula (Youssef's Syndrome), a rare condition of urinary fistulas, was reported and statistical studies were done on the 31 cases collected from the Japanese literature.
Case is a 35 years old primipara with the chief complaint of urinary incontinence and periodic hematuria which started after Cesarean section. Cystoscopic examination revealed a small fistula at the trigone and hysterography showed a fistula between the bladder and uterus. Vaginalfistulectomy and cervicoplasty was performed and healed 2 weeks later. 2 years later patient delivered her second child, sucsessfully.

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