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症例は76歳,女性。近医にて甲状腺右葉の腫瘍切除術を受けた。甲状腺腫瘍の病理組織学的診断はclear cell carcinomaであった。膵臓転移を伴う左腎細胞癌と診断し,左根治的腎摘除術を施行した。術後インターフェロン療法を施行したが,2年目に局所再発し,3年目に肺転移,6年目に右眼窩転移を認めた。眼窩転移巣に対して腫瘍切除術を施行した。
A 76-year-old woman receieved right thyroidectomy for a right thyroid tumor and the histopathological diagnosis was clear cell carcinoma. Radiological examination revealed left renal cell carcinoma with metastasis to the pancreas and left radical nephrectomy was performed. After the operation, IFN therapy was performed. But the tumor recurred at the same region in 2 years and metastasized to the lung in 3 years, to the right orbit in 6 years. Tumorectomy of the orbital tumor was performed and the histopathological diagnosis was suggestive of metastatic tumor from renal cell carcinoma.

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