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症例は59歳,男性。検診で血清PSA高値を指摘され,当科を受診した。直腸診で硬結を触知し,前立腺癌が疑われ,経直腸的前立腺針生検を施行した。翌日から高熱を認め,白血球数とCRPの上昇とともに,血中エンドトキシン値が高値を示した。血液培養および尿細菌培養ではextended-spectrum β lactamase(以下,ESBL)産生大腸菌が検出され,急性前立腺炎から敗血症へと進展したものと考えられた。抗菌薬投与とともにエンドトキシン吸着療法を2日間施行し,すみやかに全身状態の改善が得られた。
A 59-year-old male patient with high serum PSA was admitted to our hospital and transrectal prostate biopsy was conducted. A spiking fever developed in the next day and laboratory data revealed the elevation of white blood cells and C-reactive protein. Blood culture and urine culture detected extended spectrum β lactamase(ESBL)producing E. Coli and serum endotoxin level was positive. We performed extracorporeal endotoxin adsorption therapy under the diagnosis of sepsis from acute prostatitis. He recovered soon after this therapy.
In this case ESBL producing E. coli, so call multi-drug resistant bacteria was detected. Severe infection by ESBL producing bacteria is thought to be rare, but occasionally systemic inflammatory response syndrome can occur and progress to septic shock. In this case carbapenem antibiotics and extracorporeal endotoxin adsorption therapy was very useful.

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