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症例は80歳,男性。5年前より右陰囊内の腫瘤に気づいたが放置していた。入院時の身体所見では,右陰囊内に小児頭大の腫瘤が認められた。MRIで右精巣腫瘍と診断,右高位精巣摘除術を施行した。腫瘍は13×9×8cm,重量は589gであった。病理組織的検査では,悪性リンパ腫,diffuse large B-cell typeであった。原発性悪性リンパ腫は高齢者に好発し,予後不良である。本症の診断と治療に関して若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
A 80-year-old man was reffered to my department with the complaint of painless swelling of the right scrotal contents. It was the size of an infant's head. Diagnosed as having a testicular tumor by MRI,right high orchiectomy was performed. The removed tumor was 13×9×8cm in size and 589g in weight,Histological examination revealed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of diffuse,large cell type,B cells. No evidence of tumors in any other site was detected. The patient with hepatic cirrhosis and interstitial pneumonia,rejected the postoperative chemotherapy and received radiotherapy.(Rinsho Hinyokika 60:1011-1013,2006)

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