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33歳,男性。右陰嚢内容の無痛性腫大を主訴に受診した。触診上右陰嚢内容は硬く手拳大に腫大していたが,左陰嚢内容は正常であった。超音波検査を施行したところ,最大径8cmの右精巣腫瘍の所見と左側精巣内にも直径2.5cmの腫瘍性病変を認めた。血中テストステロンは低下していた。両側高位精巣摘除術を施行し,両側精上皮腫ステージⅠであった。術後,後腹膜に予防的放射線照射25.2 Gy(14回)を行った。
We report a case of synchronous bilateral testicular tumors diagnosed with ultrasound. A 33-year-old Japanese man was admitted to our hospital with a complaint of swelling of right scrotal contents. A fist-sized hard mass was palpable in the right scrotum. The left scrotum was intact. Ultra sonography showed the right testicular tumor with a diameter of 8cm,and a 2.5cm tumor inside the left testis,respectively. Teststeron level was low. Bilateral high inguinal orchiectomy was performed. Histological examination revealed typical seminoma of the bilateral testes. Prophylactic retroperitoneal lymphnodes radiation therapy(25.2 Gy)was performed postoperatively.

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