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白癬の病原菌としてMicro-sporum gypseumが分離されることは比較的まれではある.が最近では増加の傾向にあるその主な病型は,小水疱斑状白癬,ついでケルスス禿瘡であり,現在では同菌はケルスス禿瘡の主要起炎菌の一つになつた感がある.著者らは昭和41年いらい12例の同菌による白癬を経験し,その病型は小水癌斑状白癬7例,ケルスス禿瘡2例,生毛部毛包性白癬2例,頑癬様皮疹と小水癒斑状白癬との合併1例であつた.皮疹の発生部位は11例までが露出部に限られていた.患者の年齢は12例中8例までが14歳以下であつた.また多くの症例が受診前に湿疹皮膚炎群の疾患として医治を受けていたので,本編では同菌による白癬の臨床的観察を主として述べる.
Tinea duc to microsporum gypseum is reported in twelve Japanese patients who have been seen in our clinics since 1966. Their ages ranged from one to 65, and eight out of 12 patients are under 15. A vesiculomacular type of lesions were seen in seven patients, tinea capitis in two, ruptured folliculitis of the glabrous skin in two, and eczema marginatum type in the remaining one. The lesion of vesiculo-macular type looked like that of discoid lupus erythematosus. It may have been modified by the topically applied corticoid in the previous treatment. In tinea capitis and in folliculitis of the glabrous skin, the depth of cellular infiltrations in the dermis corresponds to that of invasion of the fungal elements within the follicle. In ruptured folliculitis, abundant microconidia were seen in the dermis, but no hyphal elements there. It is reasonable to consider, thus, that tinea capitis and folliculitis of the gla-brous skin clue to microsporum gypseum are one of the clinical manifestations in superficial tinea.

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