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A 17-year-old girl had been suffered from the ulcer of the skin for 2 years, which once showed a tendency to a spontaneous cure. Multiple gangrene and ulcers appeared gradually, which were accompanied with disturbances of the general conditions and a necrotic lesion in the nasal cavity.
Histologic specimens from the nasal mucous membrane and from the skin ulcer were compatible with those of the Wegener's granulomatosis. She lacked the renal symptoms and was diagnosed as an abortive form.
The results of laboratory tests were within normal limits except the increased E. S. R. and CRP, and the positive RA test.
The steroid therapy showed satisfactory effect against the exacerbation.
The differential diagnosis between Wegener's granulomatosis, the main symptoms of which are composed of the skin manisfestations, and the pyoderma gangrcnosum or periarteritis nodosa should be made.

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