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Statistic studies with special reference to the follow-up results of 129 cases of so-called "collagenous diseases" -90 cases of lupus erythematosus (7 systemic l. e. and 83 discoid l.e.), 9 systemic sclerodermia, one poikilodermatomyositis, one periarteritis nodosa and on scleredema adultorum-were performed.
1) Ratio of male vs. female was 1 : 1.6. Frequency of age of onset increased in the order of the fifth, fourth, third and second decades. Number of patients of lupus erythematosus had a slight tendency to decrease recently.
2) Over half of cases showed abnormal results in ten kinds of laboratory tests, such as increased serum γ-globulin level, existence of focal infection and decreased sweat gland function, etc. Higher percentage of patients of systemic 1. e. revealed abnormalities in these laboratory tests.
3) Hyperkeratosis, horny plugging, cellular infiltration in the dermis, dilatation and thickening of the wall of the vessel, and degeneration of collagen were found frequently in the histologic specimens. Fibrinoid degeneration was found in 4 cases of discoid 1. e., one case of poikiloderma-tomyositis and periarteritis nodosa.
4) The patients were mainly treated with anti-malarial agents and then corticosteroids. Sixty percent of the cases showed satisfactory results by these treatments.
5). The results of follow-up study by letter revealed that 72 % of the cases (36 in 50 cases) were able to work, 20 % (10 cases) kept rest in bed, and 2 of systemic l. e., each of poikiloder-matomyositis and periarteritis nodosa died. All cases of discoid l. e. were alive.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.