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患者 42歳,家婦。
初診 昭和41年5月7日。
A 42-year-old housewife noted a red induration with slight pain by pressure on the right lower leg which developed to the ulcer after 4 months' duration. During 5 months after the onset of the ulcer, several indurations appeared on both lower legs which soon changed into ulcers.
The border of the ulcer was livid-red, elastic hard, and its surface was covered with purulent secretion with offensive smell.
No swelling of superficial lymphnode was proved. The spleen could not be palpable, but the liver was palpable.
Intermittent fever upto 39~40℃ was noted throughout the course. Bacterial culture from blood was negative. Tuberculin test and serological test for syphilis were proved to be ne-gative. BSR was 73 mm. Blood cell count revealed 384 × 104 of red cells and 6,200 of white cells.
Histologic specimen of the tumor showed the infiltration of anaplastic mesenchymal cells with round or irregularly shaped nucleus, some of which had giant nucleus or mitotic figure. Gitter fibers proliferated moderately between the tumor cells. The tumor cells were identi-fied as a mycotic cells.
From the clinical and histopathological findings it was diagnosed as a plaques type of the mycosis fungoides d'emblee of Arzt.
Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.