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Electron-microscopic studies on the morphologic changes in the course of administration of antineoplastic agents (fluorouracil, etc.) in a case of reticulum-cell lymphoma of the skin were performed. Main changes were seen on the nuclear membrane and very diverse. Some of the nuclear membrane were detached from the nucleus, while others were swollen and showed a globular or annular shape containing inclusion body-like particles in them.
The degree of the changes seemed to go with the given dose of the drugs.
These findings could not be seen in the tumor cells before the treatment. They might be a kind of defense reaction of the tumor cells against the antineoplastic agents.
There were no significant changes in the amount of the cytoplasm and the degree of its electron density of the tumor cells before and after the use of the drugs
No changes of the same kind in the nuclear membrane were noted in the normal epidermal cells both before and during the therapy.
Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.