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本症は1902年Fox and Fordyce1)によりはじめて記載された疾患で,本邦では王2)の報告をもつて最初とするが1965年三宅3)はその後に報告された83例を一括して詳細な臨床的観察を行なつている。
1. Two cases of Fox-Fordyce disease, a 17-year-old female and a 14-year-old female, were reported. Scrum vitamin A level was decreased in both cases. In the first case testosterone propionate injections were a little effective ; the second case failed to respond to vitamin A injections.
2. Miyake (HIFUKA-NO-RINSHO, 7 ; 624, 1965) collected 83 cases of Fox-Fordyce disease in Japan. Thereafter, there have been reported 2 cases. In the present paper the authorsdescribed 2 cases. Therefore, there are 87 cases in this country. The authors made clinical observations of these 87 cases ; the results obtained were essentially the same as those of Miyake.
3. Generally, this dermatosis is thought to be due to obstruction of the terminal apocrine sweat ducts. The authors are inclined to attribute this obstruction to vitamin A deficiency and postpubertal increased production of estrogen.
4. On the basis of review of literature and estimation of our laboratory data, the systemic treatment of choice was thought to be combination of corticosteroids or testosterone with vitamin A. As the effective local treatment, resection of the morbid skin area and occlusive dressing therapy with fluocinolone acetonide cream were recommended.
Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.