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A 29-year-old male underwent total resection of a left cerebello-pontine angle tumor by the poster-ior cranial fossa approach. Before and after the operation he had normal pure tone hearing level.Speech discrimination decreased and temporary threshold shift was demonstrated preoperatively. II, III and IV waves of ABR were not demonstrated and I -V latency was prolonged. Interaural time differ-rence discrimination was defect within 2 msec. These examinations suggested that hearing distur-bance of this patient might be due to the compres-sion of the tumor to the cochlear nerve.
Six months after the operation speech discrimina-tion returned to normal. Although ABR and inter-aural time difference discrimination were improved, incompletely. This implies that ABR and interaural time difference discrimination may he useful for early diagnosis of disturbance of the cochlear nerve.

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