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輸血による副作用として移植片対宿主病(graftversus host disease:GVHD)が注目されるようになってきた。GVHDはその疾患自体は新しいものではないが,その報告は最近わが国で著しく多く,しかも重篤な経過を辿る場合も少なくないためトピックスになっている。
Recently, the number of graft versus host disease (GVHD) cases have been increased year by year. A patient suffered from severe diffuse erythematous and maculopapular rash on bilateral external ears with mucopurulent otorrhea. The biopsy specimen taken from the skin lesions show-ed an infiltration of lymphocytes in epidermis accompanied with satellite cell necrosis, which is inconsistent with a typical histopathology of GVHD. In GVHD, erythroderma takes place initially on ears, palmes, and soles and eventually spreads throughout body skin. The skin lesion in the external ear may be a good sign for the early diagnosis of GVHD.

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