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側頭骨の頭蓋底骨髄炎(skull base osteomyelitis:SBO)は,外耳道炎や中耳炎などをきっかけに炎症が頭蓋底に拡大し,さまざまな脳神経症状を呈するものである1)。従来の特徴として高齢糖尿病患者,緑膿菌による壊死性外耳道炎の併存が挙げられるが2),近年では易感染宿主に起こる場合や3),緑膿菌以外の細菌・真菌を起因菌とする例もみられる4)。一般に高齢発症が多く,渉猟しうる限りで,20代という若年発症の頭蓋底骨髄炎の本邦での報告例はない。今回われわれは,25歳という若年齢で発症した頭蓋底骨髄炎を経験したため報告する。
We report the case of a 25-year-old man with skull base osteomyelitis.
He presented with right ear pain and hearing loss. The patient was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Blood tests and imaging studies suggested skull base osteomyelitis;however, his symptoms improved, and he was monitored. However, approximately one year later, he presented with right otorrhea and right neck pain, indicating a flare-up of extensive skull base osteomyelitis. The symptoms and findings showed a trend toward improvement with antimicrobial therapy and frequent ear flushing.

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