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皮膚混合腫瘍(mixed cutaneous tumor)は青壮年の顔面・頭頸部に好発するとされる比較的稀な皮膚付属器良性腫瘍であり,軟骨様汗管腫(chondroid syringoma)と同義である1)。その80%以上は上口唇,鼻,頭部に生じることが報告されており,外耳道に生じたものはきわめて珍しく,数例の症例報告が散見されるのみである2,3)。治療は手術による全摘出に限られる。
We report a case of a mixed cutaneous tumor of the external ear canal in a 62-year-old woman who presented with intermittent fullness of the left ear since her youth. Examination showed an elastic subcutaneous tumor of the left ear canal. Radiological evaluation revealed a well-defined mass measuring 16 mm in size. Tumor resection was performed under general anesthesia with preservation of the skin of the ear canal. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of a mixed cutaneous tumor, which is also known as a chondroid syringoma. The patient is being observed over 3 months after surgery and has shown no recurrence.

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