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bronchogenic cystは胎生期の気管,気管支の異常発達により発生し,一般に胸腔内,とくに肺,縦隔に多く発生する1,2)とされている。食道での発生はきわめて稀で,Arbonaら2)の報告では1943年から1984年の42年間に7例を認めるのみである。われわれの検索しえた範囲では本邦では過去20年間報告は認められなかった。今回われわれはきわめて稀な食道のbronchogenic cystを経験したので報告する。
A rare case of brochogenic cyst in the esophagus is reported. The patient was a 54-year-old male who had chiefly complained of uncomfortable sensation of the pharynx. X-ray examinations with contrast medium revealed a tumor in the cervical esophagus. The tumor was removed via lateral cervical approach. The tumor was oval shape with smooth surface and elastic soft. It was his-tologically demonstrated to be bronchogenic cyst. The bronchogenic cyst is rare in the esophagus in comparison with the lung. No report in Japan-ese literature was found out from 1966 to 1986. The histological characters of branchiogenic cyst were discussed.

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