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流行性角結膜炎(epidemlc keratoconjunctivitis:EKC)の院内感染が28例に起こった。両眼性が19例,片眼性が9例である。発端者と推定されたのは,1月下旬に入院した重症のEKCを伴う膿庖性乾癬患者である。EKCは同時期に入院していた白内障術後患者3名に2月上旬から中旬にかけて発症し,2月中旬から3月中旬にかけて外来患者24名にも発症した。24名中13名は2月15日に受診しており,うち11名は散瞳による眼底検査を受けていた。X2検定で散瞳薬点眼とEKC発症との間に有意な相関があった(p<0.001)。眼科外来でEKCの集団発生があった原因として、散瞳薬点眼瓶の汚染が疑われた。
There was an intrahospital outbreak of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) involving 28 patients. The series comprised 19 bilateral cases and 9 unilateral ones. It was presumably triggered by a patient with pustular psoria-sis and severe EKC who was hospitalized during January 2001. EKC developed later in 3 patients who had been hospi-talized for cataract during the same period. Subsequently, 24 patients became infected with EKC in the outpatient clinic. Retrospectively, 13 of the 24 patients had visited the clinic on February 15. Fundus examination under mydria-sis had been performed in 11 of the 13 patients. There was a significant correlation between mydriasis and EKC infec-tion (p<0.001). The epidemic of EKC appeared to be due to contaminated eyedrops for mydriasis.

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