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(V−7) 水晶体嚢拡張リングを豚眼に挿入して,水晶体嚢赤道部を内視鏡と直視下で観察した。12.3mmのリングは毛様体襞部に接触し,13.0mmのものは毛様体突起部先端に接触し,14.5mmのものは毛様外溝側に位置していた。内視鏡で見た人眼では,12.3mmでは毛様体襞部に接触し,13.0mmでは毛様体溝側に位置していた。以上から,リングが毛様体に接していれば虹彩面に平行方向に固定されるので水晶体破砕吸引手術が安全に行えること,リングが毛様体溝側にあれば矢状面方向に固定されるので眼内レンズが落下する危険が少なくなると結論される。
A lens capsule tension ring was inserted into the pig eye and its location was examined by endoscopy and direct observation. The 12.3 mm ring was in apposition to the pars plicata, the 13.0 mm ring touched the ciliary process and the 14.5 mm ring was located in the ciliary sulcus. In the human eye, endoscopy showed the 12.3 mm ring to be touching the pars plicata and the 13.0mm ring to be located in the ciliary sulcus. The findings seemed to show that the ring is fixated parallel to the iris plane when it is in apposition to the ciliary body facilitating consecutive phacoemulsification-aspiration surgery. The ring is fixated sagittally when the ring is located in the ciliary sulcus preventing posterior dislocation of the intraocular lens.

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