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水晶体嚢のtrue exfoliationの1例を経験したので報告した。症例は78歳男性で両眼の前房中に薄い透明なセロファン様の膜を認めた。この膜は水晶体前嚢と連続性があり眼球運動に際して可動性を有していた。Pseudo-exfoliativematerialとは明らかに異なる様相を呈しており,隅角所見は両眼とも正常で緑内障の合併もなかった。職歴から強い熱への暴露が原因と考えられた。
A 78-year-old male sought medical advice due to blurring of vision in his left eye. In addition to idiopathic macular hole in his left eye, we identified a sheet of transparent membrane floating in the anterior chamber in both eyes. The membrane was attached to the anterior surface of the lens at itsmargin. There was no hyperpigmentation in the chamber angle nor glaucoma. We diagnosed the case as true exfoliation of the lens capsule after ruling out the possibility of pseudoexfoliation of the lens capsule.Occupational exposure to intenseheat in his earlier age seemed to have been themajor contributing factor for the exfoliation.

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