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(24D-2) 鍼刺激が網膜微小循環系へ及ぼす影響につき,レーザードップラー眼底血流計を用いて検討した。対象は若年健常者9名18眼で1視神経乳頭近傍20×5°の範囲についてHeidelberg Retina Flowmetry(HRF)により血流動態解析を行った。鍼刺激は両手背第一/二中手骨骨底間陥凹で第二中手骨「合谷」穴に15分間行い,刺激開始前,刺激中5,10,15分経過後および抜鍼後に測定を行った。その結果網膜血流は鍼刺激開始後経時的に有意な増加を示したが,抜鍼とともに刺激前値へと低下した。鍼刺激が眼底血流増加作用を有することをはじめて確認した。
We measured the blood flow in the retinal area temporal to the optic disc. We used a scanning laser Doppler flowmeter (Heidelberg Retina Flowmeter) . Nine healthy adult volunteers served as test subjects. Acupuncture was applied on both hands at the spot between the thumb and the forefinger, called Hegu (LL) which is known as a most reactive spot. Retinal microcirculation was measured three times for each eye at a five-minute interval. During acupuncture, the retinal blood flow increased significantly in a time-dependent manner. After removal of the needle, retinal blood flow volume and velocity returned to the initial level. The findings show that acupuncture induces a significant increase in blood flow temporal to the disc through, probably, parasympathomimetic reaction.

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