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(24-A2) 緑内障の早期発見を目的とした健診システムを検討す。るために,平成7(1995)年度郡山市老人保健法基本健康診査(以下,老健法健診)において緑内障の検出を行い,全国共同調査と検査方法や有病率の比較をした。対象は40歳以上の眼底撮影受診者5,186人で,健診で緑内障が疑われた105人のうち,51人が医療施設で精査を受け,23人が緑内障と診断された。原発開放隅角緑内障(以下,POAG)が8人,正常眼圧緑内障(以下,NTG)は15人であった。緑内障推定有病率はO.91%(POAGO.31%,NTG0.61%)となった。全国共同調査に比し緑内障推定有病率が低く,老健法健診における眼圧測定,両眼撮影の施行などの必要性が示唆された。
We conducted mass screening for early detection of glaucoma within the framework of the healthcare service law for the aged in Koriyama district. A total of 5,186 persons over 40 years of age participated in the program. Initial screening by fundus photography in one eye identified 105 persons as glaucoma suspect. Further ophthalmological examiniations in 51 of the 105 persons led to the diagnosis of glaucoma in 23. There were 8 cases of primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and 15 cases of normal tension glaucoma (NTG) . The estimated rate of prevalence was 0.91%, including 0.31% for POAG and 0.60% for NTG. The rate of prevalence was lower than that obtained by another nation-wide survey. The findings show the necessity of bilateral fundus photography and tonometry in the mass screening program.

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