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(24D-10) 虚血型網膜中心静脈閉塞症(ischemic central retinal vein occlusion:ischemic-CRVO)における汎網膜光凝固(panretinal photocoaguratbn:PRP)の時期と血管新生緑内障(neovascular glaucoma:NVG)の発症について,28眼を背景疾患の有無に分け,retrospectiveに検討した。
We reviewed the clinical record of 28 eyes of 27 patients with ischemic central retinal vein occlusion(CRVO). We paid particular attention to the prophylactic value of panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) in preventing rubeosis of the iris or the chamber angle. The patients were divided into two groups : those with background characteristics and those without. Prophylactic PRP was performed in 6 eyes in the former group. Rubeosis iridis or in the chamber angle developed in 3 eyes (50%). Two of the 3 eyes developed neovascular qlaucoma, necessitating surgery. Another 2 eyes had to be treated by PRP for rubeosis. Neovascular glaucoma developed in one eye, which was controlled by additional photocoagulation. Prophylactic PRP was performed in 14 eyes in the latter group. Rubeosis without glaucoma developed in 2 eyes (14%). Another 2 eyes had to be treated by PRP for rubeosis. Neovascular glaucoma developed in one eye, which was controlled by additional photocoagulation. These findings show that timely PRP may prevent iris or angle rubeosis from developing into neovascular glaucoma.

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